Artist Statement
Artist Statement
Rudie Berkhout, Catskill, 2009
Understanding Holograms
Spring 2023
From Lasers to Light Fields
Course Curriculum
Hologram by August Muth
This course is offered a few times each year and new material is being added all the time to keep this course current. I also invite special guests to join us for specific sessions.
You will find much supporting material on the Ruzuku site where you will also find recordings of sessions shortly after they occur.
Lasers, Optics and Vibration Isolation Tables
Fine Art Laser Transmission Holograms
Fine Art Reflection Holograms
Session 2: Part 1: Holographic Art,
Part 2: Pepper’s Ghost and why you have been deceived into thinking these are holograms
Part 1: Fine Art Holographic Stereograms
Part 2: Pepper's Ghost - What is Pepper's Ghost?
Understanding Depth Perception
Pepper's Ghost in Entertainment
Pepper's Ghost in Advertising
Telepresence in Pepper's Ghost
Creating your own Pepper's Ghost
Session 3 Lenticular Imaging, Lenticular Stereo Displays - 3D TV, 3D Projection Mapping.
Stereo Vision and 3D movies with glasses
Parallax Barrier Images - Stereo 3D without glasses
Lenticular Lens Images - Stereo 3D without glasses
Artists working with Lenticulars - Morphing and 2D Animation
Artists working with Lenticulars - 3D
Links to Web pages for artists working with lenticulars
Parallax Barrier vs Lenticular Lens
Lenticulars and Parallax Barrier Images vs Holograms
Creative Examples of how Projection Mapping is being used
Camera Arrays for Creating Dimensional Images
360 Cameras - Some issues to consider
Examples of Volumetric Capture
Volumetric vs VR vs Holographic
Volumetric Displays
Volumetric Data Capture
360 Stereo photography and video
Session 5: Computer-Generated Holograms
Guest speaker - Jacques Desbiens
Links to companies making Digital Holograms
Links to Holographic artists making digital Holograms
Session 6: Light Field Displays.
The types of displays currently available
Where are we going?
Displays for the future - but not far away
Guest speaker: Thomas Burnett - President/CTO FoVI3D
Course Enrollment
To register for the course click here!