Artist Statement
Artist Statement
Rudie Berkhout, Catskill, 2009
Artist Statement
My background in the realm of 3D animation / Holography / AR and VR, is moving me inexorably forward into the realm of new forms of creative expression using these complex media. This is a co-creative expression, in partnership with Nature, where vision is illumined as the windows into these realms are cleared. New projects are emerging through the Archetype of the GreenWoman, this embodying/merging of both worlds into a humanlike form. This being has guided me on a voyage of transformation, stepping tentatively into a place of co-creation where my work can speak with the voice of Nature. These advanced forms of digital imaging offer the potential of intense experiences that evoke empathy, an expanding range of feeling and a doorway through which a shift of consciousness can occur.
There is a great need to give Nature her voice, to wake up to our separation from this primary realm and to step back towards Balance. The window of time is so very short, we have to make change so very fast in order to bring humanity back from the brink of what is looking more and more like our own extinction. This is Art as a tool for shifting consciousness, partnering with Nature to wake us up to the Oneness that is our true existence.